Plough Book Sales

Online Catalogue last updated 17th of September 2023

Experimental Science Volume One & Two (1906) two volume set softcover

Build machines and perform experiments with them - from telescopes and vacuum pumps to photography and high voltage. Great illustrations will show you how to build amateur scientist equipment.

You'll see a sound visualizing machine, steam gyroscope, simple hydraulic press and hydraulic ram, air pump, atomizing petroleum burner, mechanical bird, smoke ring generator, apparatus for producing Lissajous' figures, details of a simple phonograph, a sound lens, centrifugal siren, thermoscopic balance, polariscope for microscopic objects, simple water lens microscope, simple photographic camera, formulas for daguerreotypes, plunge battery, Daniell cell, home-made storage battery, thermopile, galvanometer, recording voltmeter, electromagnet, hand power dynamo, lens grinding attachment for foot lathes, glass work, cycloidotrope, simple microphone, telephone, blow pipe furnace, sand molds, fabrication of carbon rods and plates, bichromate cell, heliochromoscope, earliest wireless equipment, quadruple harmonic-motion pendulum, Poulsen's Ribbon Telegraphone, wonder camera, method of engraving glass and metal, magnesium torch, acetylene gas generator, and so on.

Hopkins wrote a column for amateur scientists in Scientific American in the late 1800's. What you get here is the 1906 master collection of those incredible articles together with their original wood engravings. You're expected to have at least a little imagination. You get how-to and secrets, but you do not get detailed dimensioned drawings or step-by-step instructions. But this equipment is simple to build. Two volume set, Hardcover.

Code No. 001900, 1089 pages, $65.00

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