Plough Book Sales

Online Catalogue last updated 26th of November 2024

Collectible Blow Torches by Dick Sarpolus

cover photo

A blowtorch is one of those things that is instantly recognized for what it is, even by those who haven't seen one before. Produced from the late 1800s into the 1950s, they show up in antique malls and flea markets, and have become highly collectible. Their enduring brass and bronze construction mean that even the oldest blowtorches can be cleaned and butted to look like new. When shined they are real attention-getters, and as such they have a following of dedicated collectors.

Here is information collectors want regarding blowtorches: who made them, how old they are, what they were used for, which are the rare and valuable ones, how to find and restore them, and how much they are worth. Illustrated with 296 beautiful colour photographs, this book will be cherished by tool collectors and everyone with an appreciation for the inventive imagination.

The author, Dick Sarpolus has collected blowtorches for more than ten years.

Code No. 009413, 296 pages, ISBN 0764312987, $125.00

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