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Online Catalogue last updated 17th of September 2023
Hot Air Caloric and Stirling Engines Volume 1, A History by R. Sier
cover photo
- Preface
- Forward
- Philo of Byzantium
- Heron of Alexandria--A Treatise on Pneumatics
- Heron's Automata
- The Thermoscope and Air Thermometer--Batolomeo Teoioux
- Santorio Santorrii
- Robert Fludd
- The Dutch Weather Glass
- Otto Guerick
- Richard Townly
- Perpetual Motion Clocks--C. Drebble
- Thomas Tyme
- Daniello Antonini
- Antoine Martini
- Althanase Kircher
- Water Pumping--Solar pumps, G della Porta
- Isaac de Caus
- B. F. Belidor
- R. A. Fessenden
- Pumping with Fire--Robert D'Acres
- Montgolfier brothers
- The Fluidyne pump
- Overbalancing Engines--Guilaune Amontons
- Thomas Parker
- Mark Brunel
- Cagniard-Latour
- P. A. Kuhne
- Marble engine
- Liquid piston engine
- Liquid piston engine with rotary displacer
- Notes
- PART TWO: Ventilating Furnaces, Smoke Jacks and Hot Air Balloons
- Ventilating Furnaces
- The Smoke Jack--use in China
- musical toys
- Leonardo de Vinci
- John Wilkins
- Vittoria Zonca
- Samual Pepys
- Count Rumford
- J. Prosser
- John Braithwaite
- J. Payne
- The Solar Chimney--I. Cabaney
- Solar plant at Manzanares
- A. R. Bennett
- Hot Air Balloons--Albertus Magnes
- Giovana de Fontana
- Laurenco de Gusmao
- The Montgolfier brothers
- Notes
- PART THREE: Some Early Designs.
- Thomas Bewly
- Henry Wood
- Thomas Mead
- James Glazebrook
- Charles Tetly
- George Lilley
- James White
- John Barber
- John Dumbell
- Sadi Carnot
- Notes
- PART FOUR: Furnace Gas Engines.
- Sir George Cayley--Engine built by William Chapman
- Letter to Nicholson's Journal
- comments on Stirling's engine
- Neil Arnott
- Goldsworthy Gurney
- Bromton Hall engine
- 1837 patent
- The Furnace Gas Engine--Roper
- Edwards & Co
- Shaw
- Wenham
- Rider
- Bucket
- Pulsometer Engine Co.
- Brown
- Leavitt
- Benier
- Trewhella
- The Constant Pressure Engine--Brayton
- L. Simon
- The Constant Pressure Turbine--Tournaire
- J. Bourne
- Parsons
- F. Stolze
- Rankin Kennedy
- The Fumic Impeller
- Notes
- PART FIVE: Displacer Type Air Engines
- Displacer Type Hot Air Engines
- The Regenerative or Stirling Cycle Engine
- Heating and Cooling in High Temperature-differential Engines--Bauschaum
- Young & Kirk
- H. Essex
- Napier & Rankine
- G. Mann
- Parkinson & Crossly
- The Philips Air Engine
- Effects of Cooling
- Heating and Cooling in Low Temperature-differential Engines--I. Kolin
- J. Senft
- Pressurization
- Examples of Link work in Air Engines--The bell crank
- Laubereau
- Leman
- W.H Bailey
- Stenburg
- Louis Heinrici
- Ernst Heinrici
- Lochmann
- A.E & H. Robinson
- Delamater Iron Works
- American Machine Co
- F.F Slocomb
- Remington Machine Co
- Erwin Welch
- Fanning Manufacturing Co.
- D.W Van Rennes
- A. Koerber
- The Britannia Co
- H.F Smith
- The Yoke Drive
- N. V. Philips
- Philips Rhombic Drive
- Philips variable-phase drive
- Scotch Yoke drive
- Eccentric drives
- Wells intermittent drive
- Lost motion drive--Wells
- low temperature engine
- Rotary Displacers--Trewhella
- Gloy
- C. Fortier
- Ernst Heinrici
- Diaphragm Pistons-- J.H Tange
- Rolling Diaphragms--Philips roll sock seal
- Notes
- Illustrations and Advertisements.
- PART SIX: Free Piston and Free Displacer engines.
- Diaphragm Type Engines--Chipperfield
- Merrick
- Martini artificial heart
- Harwell TMG
- Postle engine
- Beale Free piston engine
- Ringbom engine--Ossian Ringbom
- modified Ringbom
- single cylinder Ringbom
- Pendulum engine
- Wagster erector mechanism
- Matini Amplifying Machine
- Notes
- PART SEVEN: John Ericsson and Open Cycle Engines.
- Ericsson's Caloric Engines--Flame engine
- 1826 patent
- letter to the I.C.E
- method of raising steam
- Rainhill locomotive trials
- 1833 engine
- 1838 engine
- 1847 engine
- 1851 patent
- The Caloric ship "Ericsson"
- 1855 patent
- 1856 patent
- 1858 Engine
- 1860 patent
- 1880 patent
- T. Via
- Tom Thumb Engine
- Notes
- Appendix A: Review of pamphlet; The Caloric engine. by John Ericsson.
- PART EIGHT: The Compression Engine.
- C. Franchot--French & English patents
- C. Siemens--improvements in steam engines
- Steam Air and Gas Engine of 1860
- A.K Rider--open cycle engines of 1871
- compression engine of 1875
- Hayward-Tyler--description of mode of working
- problems in casting parts
- engine data
- used in blowing church organ
- Australian Rider-Ericsson Co.
- N.V Philips engines--Z drive engines
- swash plate engines
- association with Fords
- The wobble plate drive
- The swash plate drive
- Notes
- PART NINE: Vacuum Engines
- Vacuum Engines with Internal Burners--S. Brown
- D. Gordon
- Vacuum Engines with External Burners--L.B Lawrence
- R.M Lowne
- Hardy & Padmore
- A.R Weisz
- Spiers & Holm
- W.J Leary
- E. Plank
- G. Carette
- O.Z Frazier
- W. Honsel
- Notes
- PART TEN: Heat Pumps and Air Compressors.
- Stirling Cycle Refrigerating Machines--William Thomson
- James Stirling
- A. Kirk
- Davy Postle
- I. Lundgard
- The Philips-Stirling refrigerator
- Vuileumier Refrigerating Machines--R. Vuilemier
- Philips-Vuilemier machines
- Cold Air Machines--Gorrie
- Windhausen
- Giffard
- Bell-Coleman machine used aboard the "Strethleven"
- Air Compressors--J. Jameson
- W. West
- Deutsche Continental Gas
- Notes
- Bibliography
Code No. 009568, 331 pages, ISBN 0952641712, $90.00
This item is listed under the following subjects:
Hot Air Engine
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