Online Catalogue last updated 17th of September 2023
The third DVD in the Big Iron Series takes us further around the world looking at more giant tractors.
In Australis where many indigenous big 4WD articulated tractors work the 'broadacre' countryside we meet Laurie Phillips who built the Acremaster tractors.
Heading east a meeting with James Nagorcka and a chance to see several of the 210 tractors he build before developing the rubber-tracked tractor. Stopping off at One Tree we see the world's largest 2WD tractor the Upton HT 14-350 at 350 hp weighing in at 23 ton.
The Murray River Basin suits the huge Baldwin tractors which can be seen laser land levelling for flood irrigation. Across to Texas on the USA two Buhler Versatile's are hard at work after harvest. Heading north and visit the old Versatile factory in Winnipeg, Canada traces the history of this famous manufacturer. In Northern Europe we see the English built Massey Ferguson 1200 and 1250 Series tractors hard at work baling straw along with their larger cousins the MF 4000 series.
Code No. 010599, $47.00