Online Catalogue last updated 17th of September 2023
The author, H.E. Ashfield worked his entire life at David Brown Corporation. This book is a continuation of is first, book My Career as an Engineer at David Brown. He joined David Brown as a student apprentice in 1929. He retired in 1977, during which time he was Chief Designer for the tank gearbox division, and later become Chief Engineer for the tractor company.
The book has some 28 chapters, each of which encapsulates an interesting memory, anecdote or experience. The style of writing is easy to read and follow, and with many humorous incident detailed, it is enjoyable to read. Not only are there good yarns about his life with the company, there are many little snippets of technical details that would be of interest to the tractor enthusiast or historian.
Code No. 010668, 96 pages, $33.00