Online Catalogue last updated 17th of September 2023
Drivers, technicians and personnel: the faces behind the records.
Tractors and ploughs: behind the scenes of the manufacturers. All the ploughing records of the past 10 years, from 100 ha to 250 ha in 24 hours.
Edgar Heil, a farmer from southern Germany, is the first to establish a record of more than 100 ha in the discipline of 24-hour ploughing.
Case IH and Lemken beat the record byploughing 127 ha.
French surprise: By ploughing 180 ha in 24hours Maurice Donval is rewarded with anentry into the Guinness Book of Records.
Make room fort the Quadtrac: Case IH andthe Grégoire-Besson company teams breakthrough the 200 ha limit.
Formula 1 in the field. Massey-Ferguson andGrégoire-Besson squaring the circle: 251 ha in 24 hours !!!
Rapid Race 24h: Voderstad, the Swedish culti-vation specialist, enters the circuit for record drilling.
Code No. 011052, $43.00