Online Catalogue last updated 15th of March 2025
In the history of heavy equipment development, no man's name is more respected or revered than that R.G. LeTourneau. Considered by many to be the dean of high-speed mobile earthmoving equipment, his design of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s laid the fundamental groundwork for many of the earthmoving machines we see on a daily basis today. Self-propelled, rubber tired scrapers, bulldozing blades, and rippers were all conceived under his engineering genius in the quest for moving material at the lowest-cost-per-yard.
The years between 1921 to 1953 saw many of R.G. LeTourneau's most important heavy-equipment introductions, such as the Carryall and the Tournapull and the initial development of the electric drive wheel. This first volume of fantastic machine creations covers the early years up until the sale of the company to Westinghouse in 1953. Standard production, specials, and experimental machines in rare archival images, many in print for the very first time, help showcase what made R. G. LeTourneau so important in the heavy equipment industry.
Code No. 013012, 160 pages, ISBN 9781583882146, $125.00