017950 The John Deere 20 Series New Generation Tractors by Benjamin Hain, 130 pages, $70.00, 18 copies in stock, listed under subjects:
John Deere More details...
016605 A Railway to Cudgewa by Nick Anchen, 136 pages, ISBN 9780980764055, $69.95, 8 copies in stock, listed under subjects:
Railway cover photo, More details...
017951 Commonwealth Down Draught Producer Gas Plants catalogue (reprint), 50 pages, ISBN 9780859056649, $28.00, 8 copies in stock, listed under subjects:
017952 Ingenious Inventor Frank Mather and his Electweld Steel Co. at Kellerberrin by Phil Bianchi and Ray Mather, 36 pages, $29.00, 8 copies in stock, listed under subjects:
Miscellaneous More details...
017953 Step by Step Metalwork 3 by Kenneth Wells, 94 pages, ISBN 9781909358508, $55.00, 2 copies in stock, listed under subjects:
017954 Post War Land Drainage by William Alderson, 144 pages, ISBN 9781904686378, $39.50, 2 copies in stock, listed under subjects:
Earthmoving & Construction