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Kelly & Lewis Bulldog Photographic History by Craig Pink
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For books on Kelly & Lewis Engines, refer to the
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This documents contains a photographic record of the evolution of the Kelly & Lewis Bulldog tractors written by Craig Pink, edited by Stephen Larcombe.
Kelly & Lewis BULLDOG TRACTOR Photographic History
Lanz HR2, built in 1926, was the first Lanz tractor that had the style and shape that all their later tractors were based on. This model was hopper cooled, all later models had radiator cooling.
Lanz 35hp prewar "N" (D8506 or D8516). These German made Lanz came to Australia from 1936 to 1939. The K.L. Bulldog Tractor was basically a direct copy, the power increased from 35 hp to 40 hp by lifting engine speed from 540rpm to 600rpm. It had the same bore and stroke as the HR2.
The first KL Bulldog tractor, image taken from KL advertising
Early K.L. Bulldog Tractor number A3063 (63rd tractor built). Over 90% of K.L. Tractor parts will readily interchange with the pre-war Lanz N model.
The KL tractor radiator cap was cast from Brass and polishes up quite well.
All KL tractor castings start with 8---. Lanz castings start with D-
The first 318 KL tractors built used this round hole style governor side flywheel/fan belt cover.
From 319th tactor and up the later style of rounded triangular hole was used on the fan belt cover. Note: that these also were not all the same, the one on the left with the larger opening was used on the mid production tractor, while the one on the right with the aluminium insert in the hole was used on the later tractors.
The clutch side flywheel cover also changed at this time, but the only difference is the fold on outer edge was changed to a rolled curve.
These covers were also dished, while the earlier ones were flat.
All K.L. Bulldogs had the large centre crank shaft cap on both flywheel covers.
The cover was a lot bigger diameter than used on Lanz Tractors, KL also used what looked like an automotive fuel tank cap as the cover for the oil pump priming crank access.
Earlier production K.L. tractors such as this were painted a dull Red colour, with wheels the same colour as the rest of tractor. The "K.L. BULLDOG CRUDE OIL TRACTOR" decals on fuel tank sides, and large "K.L. BULLDOG" decals on rear mudguards were introduced around the time the governor flywheel side cover was changed at tractor No. 319. The wheels changed from Red to Orange at about the same time the drawbar changed at tractor No. 415 and up. The red paint used on the later tractors also seems to be a darker red, with a bit more shine.
This K.L. tractor is part of the vast collection on permanent display at Booleroo Centre, South Australia. Tractor number A3685.
Later Style, rear view. At Warracknabeal rally, note that decals were not located in any precise position, it must have depended on who was putting them on. KL also had a solid (un sprung) seat support
Later Style original Steering wheel and headlights
Later Production Tractor, note: Lanz Steering wheel
Later Model Tractor at MSTEC, note orange rims
KL Bulldog driver compartment, note the
instruction plate on firewall.
KL Bulldog
Close up of the instruction plate on firewall.
MODEL 40A (or ELA for electric start)
ENGINE No. A3xxx (A3 followed by 3 digits)
TRACTOR No. A1xxx (A1 followed by three digits)
GEARBOX No. A5xxx (A5 followed by three digits)
A list if 15 items you should do to operate the tractor
Another close up of the instruction plate on firewall.
This one is a MODEL 40ELA, which indicates that is an electric start model
Electric start means, using petrol fuel from an auxiliary fuel tank, trembler coil, and spark plug to warm the engine up. The engine was started on petrol and ran for a few minutes until warm, instead of using the blow lamp.
The operator still had to hand crank the engine, there was no provision for a starter motor or ring gear.
The engine number (which starts with A3) is stamped on a machined surface on the front right of the cylinder block behind the fuel stop valve.
(If cylinder block is original).
See the red mark on the left picture, the right picture shows the engine number
The Engine Number is also on a brass plate just above the fuel pump
Lanz gearcase on an earlier K.L. tractor, on the rear is painted D2407/930, the D number at start is a Lanz gearcase case number, this shows that KL used Lanz gear cases on some new tractors.
Gearbox number A5221. KL gear boxes were made at the foundry that they operated in Tasmania, how ever, due to casting problems, not all gearboxes were made by KL, some Lanz gearboxes were used. The number is located just above the sprung hitch attachment at centre rear of gear case/differential housing.
Gear lever positions, this plate is attached to firewall, due to the hand built nature of the tractor the position varies somewhat and was prone to hard wearing from drivers boots. This gives the positions of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and reverse in low range, and 4th, 5th, 6th and reverse in high range
Plate giving the positions for the high/low range gear lever, the drivers boots generally rubbed on this plate also and not many survive intact. Most people do not even know that this plate was located on the floor.
Only very late production tractors had this aluminium plate (see right picture) that was attached to the side of PTO housing (see left photo) and is out of view as is behind right hand rear wheel.
The plate reads
These are a small selection of some of the tools and jigs, "Go-No go" gauges used to measure the minimum/maximum allowable tollerances when building the KL tractors. These still survive in preservation today.
The honeycomb style Lanz radiator panel fitted 2nd from left, the other 3 are genuine KL tractor radiators panels and were made in Australia by National Radiators.
It should also be noted that some German Lanz tractors have also been fitted with Australian made (KL style) straight finned radiator panels, probably as replacement parts.
Early Tractors had a K.L. made Crankcases.
Crankcase from A3053 is shown,
(this is the 53rd Tractor built.)
80062 can be seen cast into crankcase,
this is behind the governor side flywheel.
Some K.L. Tractors have a Lanz Crankcase
fitted from new.
Left: Crankcase from K.L. A3439 has D2001/223 in thick White paint.
Right: This example with D2001a70 painted on it is from a mid 600's KL wreck.
Early type drawbar, used from Tractor 1 to 414 (this is tractor A3063)
Later drawbar used from Tractor 415 and up.
The steering wheel used on the K.L. BULLDOG tractor (centre photo) was the same as
used on the Army Bren Gun Carrier (see left photo), early CHAMBERLAINS used the same,
and would have been Army surplus at the time.
The Bren Gun carrier steering wheels only had three spokes, instead of 4. This would have made the steering wheel out of balance when crank starting the tractors (see right photo).
All KL tractors used these steering wheels, but they were not liked by the owners, and many were replaced with various Lanz steering wheels.
K.L. Tractor A3330, this Tractor was treated to special pin striping for display at Dimboola Show in early 1950's, it is now on permanent display at Wheatlands Museum, Warracknabeal, Victoria.
Carrying engine No. A3856 this is one of the last KL tractors built.
A green painted KL tractor, some were traded through a John Deere dealership after the take over of Lanz by John Deere in the later 1950's, the last of the Lanz tractors were also painted green.
A genuine KL tractor blow lamp, these are now quite rare and very collectable.
A new price quoted for a K.L. BULLDOG in NSW on 16-2-1953 was £1650.
It appears that each of the following authorities had as least one KL tractor each:
- CRB (country roads board)
- SEC (state electricity commission)
- VR (victorian railways)
OIL PUMPS Early tractors had their own oil pump instead of BOSCH type, but most would have been changed to BOSCH pumps, as the originals gave trouble.
Most parts cast by KELLY & LEWIS (or here in AUSTRALIA) seem to have a raised casting number starting with 8, some items to find them on include: cylinder block, exhaust casting, fuel & oil caps, flywheels, rear hitch casting.
ORIGINAL COLOUR: Solvers brand paint (Russett 119) is the closest to original colour, this is a South Australia based company, but their
paint seems readily available throughout Victoria.
Post Office Red is a popular colour, and generally nobody knows any different, the original paint was a bit on the dull side, and a darker shade of Red.
For further information relating to this unique Australian tractor
contact –
Craig Pink
C/- Post Office
Beeac Vic 3251
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