008077 'Nellie' The History of Churchill's Lincoln-Built Trenching Machine, 82 pages, $39.00
014564 A Conscript Goes to War in A Tank by Jack Brookers 13/18th Royal Hussars QMO, 197 pages, $15.00
002806 All-American Wonder Vol. 1 The Military Jeep revised 1993 by Ray Cowdery, 144 pages, ISBN 0970056702, $65.00 cover photo, More details...
003603 All-American Wonder Vol. 2 The Military Jeep 1941-45 by Ray Cowdery, 144 pages, ISBN 1929572158, $65.00 cover photo, More details...
016682 All-American Wonder Vol. 3 The Military Jeep Photographic History by Fred W. Crismon, 619 pages, ISBN 1929572158, $100.00 cover photo, More details...
017283 Australian Light Horse The Campaign in the Middle East, 1916-1918 by Phillip Bradley, 196 pages, ISBN 9781760111892, $40.00, 3 copies in stock
017671 Australian Military Equipment Profiles Vol. 2 Local Pattern Carriers 1939-1945 by Michael K. Cecil, 48 pages, ISBN 0646126008, $34.00, 1 copy in stock cover photo, More details...
017670 Australian Military Equipment Profiles Vol. 4 the M113 & M113A1 Armoured Personnel Carriers in Australian Service 1962 to 1972 by Michael K. Cecil, 56 pages, ISBN 0646181815, $34.00 cover photo
012567 Barnes Wallis Dambuster by Peter Pugh, 200 pages, ISBN 1840466855, $50.00 More details...
017257 Battle of Britain Memorial Flight 1957 to date Operations Manual, ISBN 9780857335166, $49.95, 1 copy in stock
017669 Battlegroup Leopard Australian Armour Exercises in the North by Michael K. Cecil, 65 pages, ISBN 0958723303, $57.50 cover photo, More details...
017743 Bren Gun Carrier Britain's Universal War Machine by Robert Jackson, 64 pages, ISBN 1526746433, $45.00, 3 copies in stock cover photo, More details...
016652 Churchill Tank 1941-1956 (all models) Owners' Worskhop Manual, 160 pages, ISBN 9780857332325, $49.95, 1 copy in stock
017844 Convair B-36 Peacemaker 1949-59 Owners' Workshop Manual, ISBN 9781785211935, $54.95, 1 copy in stock
001050 First World War Tanks (Shire 172), 32 pages, ISBN 9780852637999, $10.00
017560 FLAK 88 8.8cm Flugzeugabwehrkanone (Models 18/363741) Owners' Workshop Manual, ISBN 9781785211331, $54.95, 2 copies in stock
017291 German Secret Weapons of the Second World War The Missiles, Rockets, Weapons & New Technology of the Third Reich by Ian V. Hogg, 223 pages, ISBN 9781848327818, $34.00
016650 Great War Tank Mark IV Owners' Workshop Manual, 160 pages, ISBN 9780857332424, $49.95, 2 copies in stock
014963 Japenese Secret Projects: Experimental Aircraft of the IJA and IJN 1939-1945 by Edwin M. Dyer, ISBN 9781857803174, $59.95, 1 copy in stock
014622 Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank International Service & Variants by Frank Lobitz, 296 pages, ISBN 9783936519099, $127.00
017094 Modern U.S. Military Vehicles by Fred W. Crismon, 160 pages, ISBN 0760305269, $50.00, 1 copy in stock cover photo, More details...
017690 Panther Tank Panzerkampfwagen V Panther (SdKfz 171) Enthusiasts' Manual, 172 pages, ISBN 9781785212147, $54.95, 1 copy in stock
017049 Pioneers of Australian Armour in the Great War by David A. Finlayson & Michael K. Cecil, 376 pages, ISBN 9781925275261, $35.00, 1 copy in stock
017417 Rolls-Royce Armoured Car 1915-44 (all models) Owners' Workshop Manual, ISBN 9781785210587, $49.95, 2 copies in stock
017095 Selling The All-American Wonder The World War II consumer advertising of Willys-Overland Motors Inc. by Frederick L. Coldwell, 102 pages, ISBN 091066725X, $65.00, 1 copy in stock cover photo, More details...
016648 Sherman Tank 1941 onwards (all M4 variants) Owners' Workshop Manual, 164 pages, ISBN 9780857331014, $49.95, 1 copy in stock
017562 T-34 Tank 1940 to date (all models) Owners' Workshop Manual, ISBN 9781785210945, $49.95, 1 copy in stock
001104 Tank Papers, 40 pages, $33.00, Out Of Print, 1 copy in stock
018083 The Complete Catalogue of British Tanks All British-Built tanks from 1915 to the Present Day by James Taylor, 142 pages, ISBN 9781914929038, $83.30, 1 copy in stock
015282 The Illustrated Manual of U.S. Portable Flamethrowers by Charles S. Hobson (with CD-ROM), 111 pages, ISBN 9780764335259, $92.00
011175 The Rolls-Royce Meteor - Cromwell and other applications by Evans. McWilliams, Whitworth and Birch, 204 pages, ISBN 1872922244, $41.00, 1 copy in stock More details...
012000 Tyagatshi Soviet Full-Tracked Artillery Tractors of World War 2 in Red Army and Wehrmacht Service by Jochen Vollert (bi-lingal German/English), 360 pages, ISBN 3936519021, $105.00 cover photo, More details...
002311 U.S. Military Wheeled Vehicles by Fred W. Crismon, 475 pages, ISBN 0970056710, $90.00 cover photo, More details...
017445 U.S. WW II GMC DUKW-353 & Cleaver-Brooks Amphibian Trailers Technical Manual Series No. 6003 by Michael Franz, 48 pages, $31.00
017444 U.S. WW II M4/M4Aw Sherman Medium Tank Tankograd Technical Manual Series No. 6001 by Michael Franz, 48 pages, $31.00
017446 U.S. WW II M5 & M5A1 Stuart Light Tanks Technical Manual Series No. 6013 by Michael Franz, 48 pages, $31.00, 1 copy in stock
012003 U.S. WWII GMC DUKW-353 & Cleaver-Brooks Amphibian Trailers by Michael Franz, (bi-lingal English/German), 47 pages, $29.00
017839 Vickers-Maxim Machine Guns 1886 to 1968 (al models) Enthusiasts' Manual, ISBN 9781785215636, $59.95, 2 copies in stock
015119 Winston Churchill's Toyshop by Stuart Macrae The Inside Story of Military Intelligence (Reseach) Softcover, 192 pages, ISBN 9781445608426, $38.95 cover photo, More details...
Military DVD
018061 Birth of The Tanks Commemorating the Centenary of the first fighting tank DVD, ISBN 0700461443179, $36.00, 9 copies in stock More details...
Military Instructions
014628 Canadian Military Pattern Vehicles General Motors (Blitz) 15 cwt 4x2 15 cwt 4x4 30 cwt 4x4 3 ton 4x4 Heavy Utility 4x4 Field Artillery Tractor 4x4 Maintenance Manual September 1943 photocopy, $140.00
013307 Carrier M.G. instruction and maintenance book (Australian Bren Gun Carrier) photocopy, $60.00
013776 Carrier Machine Gun LP No. 2 & 2A Parts list (Australian Bren Gun Carrier) 1942, photocopy (not the best quality), $50.00
014641 GMC 2.5 tin 6x6 US Army Models CCKW 352 & 353 Maintenance manual 1942 photocopy, $180.00
014788 Illustrated Catalogue Ford Parts used in Universal Carriers (Bren Gun Carriers) Prepared for Department of the Army by Ford Motor Company Geelong oct 1940, photocopy, 39 pages, $25.00
014666 Maintenance of Motor Vehicles (Australian Army circa 1940) includes Ford Truck, Chevrolet Truck, cars, motorcycles, Marmon Herrington winch, Bren Gun Carrier, and more (photocopy), 367 pages, $130.00
015069 Odograph, Land Model M1-TM5-9401 instructions Sept 7, 1943 navigation plotter reprint, 104 pages, $55.00
Military Rare & Secondhand
Mack U.S. Government Vehicles 10 Ton 6 x 4 Models NR8 NR9 NR10 NR11 parts list 1943 $110.00, 1 copy in stock
Steam and Other Engines by J Duncan 1913 $44.00, 1 copy in stock