007410 Know Your Lister - F type Engines, 11 pages, $16.50, 1 copy in stock cover photo, More details...
008474 Lister D-Type Restoration, 66 pages, ISBN 1873098421, $34.00, 3 copies in stock cover photo, More details...
001396 Lister Engines Types H to R Covering Lister types H, J, K, L, M, N, P, PE, Q and R 1909 until the 1940s by David W. Edgington, 52 pages, ISBN 9780955462535, $45.00, 5 copies in stock cover photo, More details...
003211 The Lister A & B Story Covering Lister's popular range of agricultural and industrial petrol/kerosene engines 1923-1963 by David W. Edgington, 47 pages, ISBN 9780955462511, $45.00 cover photo, More details...
011846 The Lister CS Story covering Lister's best known range of diesel engines. 1929 - 1980's, written by David W. Edgington, 47 pages, $45.00 cover photo, More details...
010737 The Lister D Story 1926-1964 by David W. Edgington, 55 pages, $43.00, 2 copies in stock cover photo, More details...
Lister Instructions
016189 How to Trouble-Shoot Shearing Gear (Lister) photocopy, 12 pages, $25.00
001382 Lister A & B Instructions, 16 pages, $18.00, 6 copies in stock cover photo
007463 Lister A 2.5hp, B 3.5hp junior petrol 1920 parts list (photocopy), 19 pages, $11.50
016754 Lister A.C. Automatic Remote Control Generating Sets 3kW-8kW Types 6/1 8/1 12/2 16/2 engines instructions and parts photocopy, 26 pages, $30.00
011558 Lister AC petrol plant 750-1000 watts 1951 operators manual photocopy, $7.00, 1 copy in stock
015843 Lister air cooled diesel engine Type AD instructions and parts list 1954 photocopy, 37 pages, $20.00
013529 Lister Air Cooled Diesel Type SR4 instructions and parts 1968 p/copy, 80 pages, $27.00
016590 Lister Auto-Truck Instructions and Parts List Type SS3 Power Units JAP engine photocopy, 48 pages, $35.00
018106 Lister Ball Bearing Cream Separators Sizes 12 to 15 Types RS & SS instructions reprint, 18 pages, $20.00, 2 copies in stock
015560 Lister Blackstone CD & CE Instructions/Parts Book 4 KW Generators models 5-1-50 and 5-3-50 for US Army book 145/643A 1943 photocopy, 28 pages, $18.00
015798 Lister Blackstone Marine Diesel Engines Types EV(S)M, ER(S)M & ES(S)M instruction manual and parts list 1967 photocopy, 261 pages, $120.00
012216 Lister CD & CE Instructions and parts book (photocopy), 45 pages, $15.00
003563 Lister CD & CE Instructions Book 145/345 1945 photocopy, 31 pages, $25.00
012083 Lister CR Separator instructions and parts sheet photocopy, 2 pages, $2.00 cover photo
001402 Lister CS Diesel (Types 3.5-1, 6-1, 8-1, 12-2 & 16-2) instructions and parts list, 56 pages, $29.00, 20 copies in stock cover photo
001383 Lister D & DK Instructions, 16 pages, $18.00, 5 copies in stock cover photo
001387 Lister D Instructions 1926-35, 16 pages, $18.00, 5 copies in stock cover photo
015067 Lister Diesel Auto Truck LD1, LDS & LDG instructions and parts reprint, 19 pages, $43.00, 1 copy in stock
018159 Lister Diesel Auto-Truck Instructions and parts list powered by Lister Air Cooled Diesel Engine Type LD2 photocopy, 57 pages, $40.00
017889 Lister Diesel Generating Plant Alternators with Static Type Voltage Regulator Instructions book and wiring diagram 1956 photocopy, 11 pages, $20.00
014098 Lister LRM & SRM 1-2-3 Cylinders instruction manual and parts list for air cooled marine diesel engines photocopy (last page missing), 138 pages, $60.00
014384 Lister Model 2 Electric Shearing Gear Pivot Type instructions p/c, $9.00
007461 Lister type X twin cylinder petrol instructions (photocopy), 20 pages, $15.00, 1 copy in stock
015133 Lister Types JP616 & JK6 Diesel Engines intructions and parts p/copy, 71 pages, $34.00
003938 WICO A Series magneto A 882BZ Lister 1cyl/chain/anti c/w (photocopy), 2 pages, $2.00, 1 copy in stock
003939 WICO A Series magneto A 886BZ Lister 1cyl/chain/ c/w (photocopy), 2 pages, $2.00
Lister Sales Catalogue
015276 Better Shearing in the Making A Special Report on How Tomorrow's Shearing Tools are Being Designed in the Sheds of Australia (Lister Shearing gear sales book 1960s) photocopy, 8 pages, $7.50