017980 Allis-Chalmers and Fiat-Allis Construction and Industrial Machines by Roger Amato, 312 pages, ISBN 9780984344253, $210.00, 9 copies in stock More details...
015641 Fiat Tractors from 1919 to the present William Dozza and Massimo Misley ENGLISH version, 247 pages, ISBN 9788879115360, $90.00, 9 copies in stock cover photo, More details...
Fiat Instructions
011817 Fiat 1000 1971 parts catalogue (photocopy), $121.00
011819 Fiat 1000 Super, 1000 Super DT 1975 parts catalogue (photocopy), $153.00
006249 Fiat 1180 1980 operators manual (photocopy), $25.00
011820 Fiat 1180, 1180DT 1979 parts catalogue (photocopy), $61.00
005049 Fiat 1180,1280,1380,1580 & 1880 (also DT's) service manual (photocopy), 360 pages, $100.00
006250 Fiat 1300 Super/DT 1976 parts catalogue (photocopy), $68.20
016099 Fiat 211Rb tractor parts book photocopy, $159.99
011783 Fiat 215 1967 parts catalogue (photocopy), $59.00
011784 Fiat 215DT Supplement 1967 parts catalogue (photocopy), $22.00
007263 Fiat 25, 25CS, 25CI 1951 operators manual (photocopy), $15.40, 1 copy in stock
011785 Fiat 250 1968 parts catalogue (photocopy), $52.00, 1 copy in stock
007264 Fiat 25C, 25CS parts catalogue (photocopy), $47.30
006220 Fiat 300 1971 parts catalogue (photocopy), $57.20
011786 Fiat 300, 350, 350S, 2 & 4WD 1974 parts catalogue (photocopy), $55.00
011788 Fiat 350 1971 parts catalogue (photocopy), $49.00
011787 Fiat 351 1965 parts catalogue (photocopy), $58.00
006221 Fiat 355 crawler 1968 parts catalogue (photocopy), $48.40
011790 Fiat 400 series 411C/CI, 451C, 40CA, FL4 1960 workshop manual p/copy, $76.00
011789 Fiat 411C, 411CI, 451C 1960 parts catalogue (photocopy), $74.00
010903 Fiat 411R Wheel Tractor Service Manual (photocopy), 142 pages, $85.00
006222 Fiat 415 1966 operators manual (photocopy), $22.00
006223 Fiat 415 1967 parts catalogue (photocopy), $59.40
012144 Fiat 415 Diamond Line Wheel tractor service manual supplement to the manual for 411R (photocopy), $45.00
010034 Fiat 415DT Parts Catalogue Supplement to 415 book (photocopy), $21.00
011791 Fiat 450 1968 parts catalogue (photocopy), $85.00
006224 Fiat 450 operators manual (photocopy), $17.60
006225 Fiat 450,450/DT 1977 parts catalogue (photocopy), $73.70
011793 Fiat 455 1968 parts catalogue (photocopy), $58.00
011794 Fiat 455C, AD4 1974 parts catalogue (photocopy), $55.00
006226 Fiat 466,566 1982 operators manual (photocopy), $24.20, 1 copy in stock
005050 Fiat 466,566,666,766 service manual (photocopy), 278 pages, $90.00
006227 Fiat 470 Special 1980 operators manual (photocopy), $19.80, 1 copy in stock
011795 Fiat 470/DT 1979 parts catalogue (photocopy), $120.00
011796 Fiat 480 1972 parts catalogue (photocopy), $58.00
006229 Fiat 480,500S,540S,640 & DTs 1971 workshop manual (photocopy), $122.10
006228 Fiat 480-8 1980 operators manual (photocopy), $19.80
006230 Fiat 500 1971 operators manual (photocopy), $18.70
006231 Fiat 500 1971 parts catalogue (photocopy), $62.70
006232 Fiat 505C 1971 operators manual (photocopy), $20.90
011781 Fiat 50C, 50CI 1967 parts catalogue (photocopy), $128.00
006217 Fiat 50CI AD5 crawler 1970 opertors manual (photocopy), $15.40
016478 Fiat 513R automatic parts catalogue photocopy, $110.00
007725 Fiat 513R Brief workshop manual 1965 (photocopy), $28.50
006233 Fiat 540 1974 operators manual (photocopy), $20.90
016082 Fiat 540 parts catalogue (photocopy), $150.00
011798 Fiat 55-66, 60-66 & DTs 1984 operators manual (photocopy), $30.00, 1 copy in stock